Interview with Lucas @ Pelliccia Guitars – Argentina


How did you became a luthier and what motivated you to build a guitar brand?

By modifying my guitars to my taste. i have a passion for electric guitars, for rock music, that led me to try to create my own guitars.

How do you describe your guitar brand and which are the main features of your builds?

The main characteristic is that the musician has a completely custom-made guitar, down to the smallest detail if he wants it.

Can you describe us how do you establish your creative process, for example, do you start by designing the guitar body, or how does your guitars become real?

For now I don’t have my own designs, but in each guitar I put my style, I give them all the love I can, I solve some details on the fly, I think that none of them is exactly the same.

Do you have established models that are brand recognisable or each guitar is built with its own design?

I don’t have my own designs at the moment.

Do you build everything from scratch or do you include other brands parts?

I build everything from scratch, and it’s mostly handmade.

Do you take orders for custom guitars or do you prefer to work with your established models?

I accept custom guitar orders.

In your perspective what is the most crucial element, or elements, for an awesome guitar build?

There has to be a balance between aesthetics and functionality, so that one aspect does not influence the other.

What are the main diferences from your products to those out of a line of production?

That they are handmade instruments, with details that are overlooked in a production line.

Do you certify your products when selling them or do you plan to do so?

I plan to do it.

Do you think more musicians will look for custom made guitars and independent instruments brands?

as a luthier I hope it is not a trend (haha) but yes, more and more musicians are choosing handmade or luthier made guitars.

Do you sell your instruments exclusively on your website or do you also sell on other platforms like facebook or

I will start selling on Guitar Custom Portugal, but I would sell on other websites.

Can you share with us what are your plans for the future?

The idea is to produce more instruments but not to stop attending each musician punctually in every detail.
